Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Begining

Since in my teenage years I was fascinated with how toys are made and had try making my own toys from books (which my sisters had gladly bought for me). Although I was not able to obtain all the material that I wanted from those days but I was able to compromised and managed to produce a few toys. The idea of making toys is still very much a passion although nowadays toys in the market are so much more attractive but I think there are still people who would appreciate toys that they can make themselves.

Anyway, that is not what this is about. This idea of a Toys Crossroad come about because my son who is now six years old has accumulated quite a number of toys. And we are at a crossroad where we are thinking of giving them away. But instead of giving them away, why not we have crossroad for these toys to start a new life with new owners. Sort of a toy exchange program where you may either bring in your toy to exchange or pay a nominal sum to purchase these old toys and save some money. Part of the toys collected should also be donated to orphanages. This is not a new concept, but you just do not see it here in Malaysia.

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